Un angajat fericit – un angajator de succes!

Un angajat fericit – un angajator de succes!

Studiile realizate de work.com arată prin cifre impactul pe care îl are sentimentul de apreciere resimțit de angajați. Astfel, 69% dintre ei ar fi mai productivi și mai implicați dacă ar vedea/simți că le este recunoscută munca, efortul și disponibilitatea de a face...
Winter Holiday!

Winter Holiday!

Use these Winter Holiday tips to weave some holiday magic around your business and employees! Thank your customers for their business! In an online world, offline relationships do matter. A lot. So use this time of the year to set aside some time and energy for a...
Another successful event!

Another successful event!

We recently organised and hosted a successful Open House event for Transiris which brought together talented candidates with one of the best world class experts. This lead to a start of  wonderful collaboration . Once more the benefits of a surprisingly...
Work from home. Yay or Nay?

Work from home. Yay or Nay?

In these modern days, where technology allows us to connect with each other even if we are at tens of thousands miles away, where we work within teams spread around the world to deliver products and/or services to clients that we never met, we adapted our lives to...

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